
Donating works

Instructions for donating works to the Library:

1 – The donor must send the list of books to donate to the e-mail: biblioteca@fundacaofernandopessoa.pt.

2 – After receiving the list, the Library will contact the donor specifying which works were

3 – The library will carry out the technical procedures necessary for the integration of the works
in its fund which will be executed according to the available time and the organization of the
work of the technical team;

4 – Usually, the following works are accepted:

  • Topics related to areas of interest of the Library, mainly subject matters taught at UFP
  • and Portuguese literature;
  • Updating of the bibliographic fund by the introduction of relevant and current topics;
  • The need for new copies to satisfy requests;
  • Filling gaps in the collection;
  • Replacing damaged or lost works;
  • Adding of historical value to the Institution.

5 – The works with the following characteristics will not be accepted:

  • Works damaged or in poor presevation condition;
  • Photocopies;
  • Poorly accessible language;

6 – Exceptional cases will be examined by the Coordination of the Library Services.