Fernando Pessoa Library

Located at the FPF headquarters, was named Fernando Pessoa Library (BFP) in August 2012, following the regrouping of the UFP’s libraries.

Offers open access to shelves and is organized according to the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC). Serves the FPF academic community, as well as any interested user.

The collection available at Fernando Pessoa Library serves the Human and Social Sciences Faculty and Science and Technology faculty and covers the following areas of interest:

Advertising; Architecture; Computer Science; Criminology; Economics; Education; Engineering; International Relations; Journalism; Literature; Management; Marketing; Political Science; Psychology; Scientific Research

This library also hosts a Test Library, composed by several psychological evaluation instruments, providing support to both pedagogical and practical components of the degrees on Psychology.

Fernando Pessoa Library has a reading room with seating for 68 people, plus a higher level with 10 seats, a technical office, 2 group study offices and research stations equipped with Internet access, intended exclusively for UFP’s students and employees.

It has printing, photocopying and scanning equipment in self-service system and wireless connection.

Opening hours during class periods:

 9 am-6 pm (Mon-Fri)

Address: Praça 9 de Abril, 349 | 4249-004 Porto

Tel: +351 22 5071301 (call for Portuguese landline)

E-mail: bibfp@fundacaofernandopessoa.pt