
Web of Science online course

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The Library would like to inform you that a new Web of Science online course is now available. After two sessions in September (which you can listen to here on the Portuguese training portal), enrolment is now open for sessions 3 and 4.
Session 3 – Saving my work on the Web of Science (12/10/2023, 10:00-11:00 in Lisbon)

Session led by Anne Delgado in Portuguese, material in English

Learning objectives: Create a personal account – Save my favourite searches – Create follow-up alerts and save lists of documents.

Session 4 – From basic to advanced searches on the Web of Science (13/10/2023, 10:00-11:00 in Lisbon)

Session led by Anne Delgado in Portuguese, material in English

Learning objectives: Using the NEAR proximity operator – Building complex searches – Exploring reading suggestions.

Free course aimed only at users of Portuguese academic institutions with access to Web of Science. Registrations valid with full name and institutional email address so that attendance certificates can be sent later.

Sign up with your institutional email address