Free online Web of Science course with certificate (May/June sessions)

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The Library informs that a new Web of Science online course is available.

Session 19 – Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities on the Web of Science (27/05/2024, 14:00-15:00 in Lisbon)

Session led by Anne Delgado in Portuguese, material in English

Learning objectives:

The Main Collection, a multidisciplinary database
Portuguese journals, theses and master’s dissertations in the Web of Science
How to discover the citations received by any work (book, report, work of art)
We recommend listening to the previous sessions to acquire the necessary concepts to follow this session 19 correctly. The recordings are on the training portal.

Free course aimed only at users from Portuguese academic institutions with access to Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports. Registrations valid with full name and institutional email address so that attendance certificates can be sent later.

Register with your institutional email address


Session 20 – Analysing an institution’s publications on Web of Science (28/05/2024, 14:00-15:00 in Lisbon)

Session led by Anne Delgado in Portuguese, material in English

Learning objectives for institutional managers:

Search by affiliation and refine by department
Analyse publications and the origin of citations
Export large amounts of data with APIs
We recommend listening to the previous sessions to acquire the necessary concepts to follow this session 20 correctly. The recordings are on the training portal.

Free course aimed only at users from Portuguese academic institutions with access to Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports. Registrations valid with full name and institutional email address so that attendance certificates can be sent later.

Register with your institutional email address

The programme for the next sessions is also on the Portuguese training portal with answers to frequently asked questions and a link to tips for using the WebEx platform.