
Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source database

Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source is a full-text database for dental professionals and researchers.

The content includes:

  • 107 active full-text, non-open access journals
  • 97 active full-text, peer-reviewed, non-open access journals
  • 59 active full-text, peer-reviewed, non-open access journals with no embargo
  • 73 active full-text, non-open access journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus

Access is via the network of University Fernando Pessoa , Higher School of Health Fernando Pessoa or the Fernando Pessoa Hospital with your teacher/student/employee credentials.

If you are outside our campus, you must have previously installed the VPN, which you can download from the Manuals and Downloads page of the Computer Center, selecting the option that best suits you (Windows or Mac).