
Conditioned reopening of UFP Libraries

Reabertura condicionada das Bibliotecas UFP

On May 18, Fernando Pessoa Library (FPL) and Ricardo Reis Library (RRL) will reopen to the public. The new schedule will be from 10am to 12pm and from 3pm to 5pm.

New rules for the attendance and use of library services:

  • To request/return books (at FPL at RRL) or to book a place in the reading room (at RRL) is only possible after a previous appointment by phone/email;
  • Wear a mask and, if possible, a visor;
  • Disinfect your hands at the library entrance;
  • Show the student/Library card;
  • Be patient: if someone is with the staff, please keep the safety distance and wait to be asked to come in.

See here all the new rules for the conditioned reopening of Fernando Pessoa Library (FPL).