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The Library Informs: trial to access Building Types Online

The library informs that, until 30th of June, a trial of Building Types Online is available. It is a resource for the study and practice of architectural design: https://bit.ly/3go6KpK. As this database is not yet on its final platform, we advise you to check the attached document with some guidelines for “Searching” the content. To get […]

The Library Informs: trial to access EBSCO resources

EBSCO provides for free, to the 17th of July of 2021, the contents of the following resources with access using VPN: Academic Search Ultimate (information poster) Dentistry & Oral Science Source (information poster) Medline Complete (information poster) Nursing Reference Center Plus (information poster) eBook Psychology Subscription Collection (information poster + EBSCO eBooks LIBGUIDES + tutorial on how to download eBooks to mobile devices)

The Library Informs: trial to access Education Source

Education Source provides the necessary content for researchers to obtain excellent results in the field of Education. The Library informs that, until the 30th of June of 2021, a trial of EBSCO’s Education Source resource is available, active access from the EBSCOHost platform. Click here to access.                 […]