Bibliographic News | May – June 2021
News, Bibliographic NewsConsulte as referências bibliográficas que integraram o catálogo das Bibliotecas da FFP, entre maio e junho de 2021: Boletim bibliográfico maio – junho 2021
Consulte as referências bibliográficas que integraram o catálogo das Bibliotecas da FFP, entre maio e junho de 2021: Boletim bibliográfico maio – junho 2021
Web of Science Online Course from September 13th to October 1st 2021 Sign up in this course to learn more about the various Web of Science tools (Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, Essential Science Indicators, EndNote Click, EndNote Online, Publons, Master Journal List). It will be divided in 4 modules: Module A – Survey […]
July 13th, 3pm – 4pm Introducing the New Web of Science Sign up for this webinar to understand the enhancements that bring a faster and intuitive user experience to the platform, including some exciting new features available only in the new Web of Science. (At the end of the month, the material for the webinars […]
As of June 30, a new version of the Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate) tool will be available. JCR This new version: will be published on a new, more modern platform; will include profiles of journals that have no impact factor (Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index); will present a new indicator for […]
Sign up for the upcoming Clarivate webinar, to be held on June 22, from 10:00 am to 11:30 am, to learn more about how to assess, identify and open up to collaboration, show research to improve visibility, and unlock silos of research to support collaboration. (At the end of the month, the material for the […]
Following the EBSCO trial (information here), there will be an online session on June 21 from 2:30 pm to 3:45 pm, on how to get more out of these resources. You can register here. Objectives: Describe Academic Search Ultimate databases, Dentistry & Oral Science Source, eBook Psychology Subscription Collection, Medline Complete and Nursing Reference Center […]
The Library informs that, until the 31st of July, a trial of the Lyell Collection: Geological Society Publications Online is available. To get access, you must be in the facilites of University Fernando Pessoa or Higher School of Health, or use the VPN with your credentials (same as accessing the b-on).
The library informs that, until 30th of June, a trial of Building Types Online is available. It is a resource for the study and practice of architectural design: https://bit.ly/3go6KpK. As this database is not yet on its final platform, we advise you to check the attached document with some guidelines for “Searching” the content. To get […]
This app can be downloaded both from the Apple App Store and from Google Play. There are online courses about the EBSCO Mobile App here and here. Additional information about the EBSCO mobile app: EBSCO Mobile video tutorial: https://connect.ebsco.com/s/article/EBSCO-Mobile-App-Tutorial?language=en_US Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ebsco.ebscomobile&hl=es&gl=US Blog about the EBSCO mobile app: https://www.ebsco.com/blogs/ebscopost/tag/mobile
EBSCO provides for free, to the 17th of July of 2021, the contents of the following resources with access using VPN: Academic Search Ultimate (information poster) Dentistry & Oral Science Source (information poster) Medline Complete (information poster) Nursing Reference Center Plus (information poster) eBook Psychology Subscription Collection (information poster + EBSCO eBooks LIBGUIDES + tutorial on how to download eBooks to mobile devices)