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Summer Schedule | August 2023

During August, the Fernando Pessoa and Ricardo Reis Libraries will close for cleaning: Fernando Pessoa Library closes from 31/7 to 16/8/2023 Ricardo Reis Library is closed from 17/8 to 1/9/2023. They are closed from 1 to 2 pm on the following days: 31/7 to 4/8, 14 and 16/8 – Ricardo Reis Library 24/8 to 1/9 […]

Fernando Pessoa Library is closed

Fernando Pessoa Library is closed and reopens on the 16th of November, at 9 am. If you have books to return, please go to Ricardo Reis Library (Rua Delfim Maia, 334) Monday to Friday, from 9am to 6pm. For other matters, please send an email to biblioteca@fundacaofernandopessoa.pt. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Opening hours from 21 to 31 December

FERNANDO PESSOA LIBRARY from 21 to 24/12/2020: 9-10h30 am, 11h30 am-1h30 pm from 28 to 30/12/2020: 9-10h30 am, 11h30 am-1h30 pm and 3-6 pm 31/12/2020: closed RICARDO REIS LIBRARY from 21 to 24/12/2020: 8-10h30 am, 11h30 am-1h30 pm and 3-6 pm from 28 to 30/12/2020: 9-10h30 am, 11h30 am-1h30 pm and 3-6 pm 31/12/2020: 9-10am, 11am-12h30pm Happy Holidays!