
Promotional Campaign | Lusodidacta

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We would like to inform you that, once again, University Fernando Pessoa has a partnership with Lusodidacta/Lusociência and that our students and teachers can get an immediate 20%
discount on the purchase of all editions worth more than 20€.

To order the books (please see attached list), interested parties should:
1. Send an email with the following data:

  • Name:
  • Title of the work(s):
  • Student Name:
  • Email:
  • Tax Number: (if any)

2. Pay by bank transfer or by Mb Way to Lusodidacta.

3. Send proof of payment accompanied by the respective data to the address bibrr@ufp.edu.pt.

Orders will only be processed after payment confirmation by e-mail.
When the works are delivered to the Ricardo Reis Library (Pedagogical Clinics’ Building), we will send you an e-mail with that information.
Invoices will be sent by email.

Promotional Flyer

List UFP-Lusodidacta

For any question or doubt do not hesitate to contact us at bibrr@ufp.edu.pt.