
Library of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences


Located on the ground floor of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at University Fernando Pessoa, the room has 60 seats for studying/reading and consulting publications. It has a collection mainly focused on Medicine in order to meet the information needs of its users.

In its role as a facilitator of teaching, learning and research, it also promotes access to various online resources, including b-on and AccessMedicine (both of which require a VPN outside our premises), available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Opening hours during class periods: 9am-1pm, 2-6 pm (Mon-Fri)

Address: Av. Fernando Pessoa 150 | 4420-096 S. Cosme

Phone: +351 222 455 461 (call for Portuguese landline)

E-mail: bibemcb@fundacaofernandopessoa.pt