
TRIAL Thieme Medical Publishers [Até 30 novembro 2013]

Thieme is an award-winning international medical and science publisher serving health professionals and students for more than 125 years. Thieme promotes the latest advancements in clinical practice, publishes the latest research findings, advocates medical education and is known for the high quality and didactic nature of its books, journals, and electronic products.

Informa-se que está a decorrer o Trial Thieme Medical Publishers para todos os membros b-on. Estará ativo até ao dia 30 de novembro de 2013 e garante o acesso gratuito aos seguintes conteúdos:

E-Journals in Medicine and Chemistry: www.thieme-connect.com/ejournals

E-Textbooks in Medicine E-Book Library: http://ebooks.thieme.com

Teaching Assistants: www.thiemeteachingassistant.com

Thieme Clinical Collections E-Book Monographs: http://lib.myilibrary.com