
4th Erasmus+ Staff Week for Librarians

4th Erasmus+ Staff

The purpose of this international mobility programme is to exchange knowledge and best practices in the field of library and information science. Our target group is administrative staff working in libraries.

Hosting Higher Education Institution: University Fernando Pessoa – Library
Country: Portugal
Dates: Monday, 27 June, 2016 to Friday, 1 July, 2016
Maximum number of participants: 10
Application form: http://biblioteca.ufp.pt/erasmus-semana-para-bibliotecarios/
Application deadline: 08-06-2016
Programme: http://biblioteca.ufp.pt/docs/4th-Erasmus-Staff-Week-27jun_1julUpdated.pdf

Confirmations will be sent after this date. Please do not book your flights and accommodation before your participation is confirmed.