A Biblioteca Informa: trial de acesso à Coleção Lyell
A Biblioteca informa que, até ao dia 28 de março, está disponível um trial da The Lyell Collection: Geological Society Publications Online. Para ter acesso, deverão estar nas instalações da Universidade Fernando Pessoa ou da Escola Superior de Saúde, ou utilizar a VPN com as credenciais (como fazem para aceder à b-on).
A Coleção Lyell é uma das maiores coleções integradas de literatura em ciências da Terra do mundo.
- Journal of the Geological Society (1845-2021)
https://jgs.lyellcollection.org/ - Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (1967-2021)
https://qjegh.lyellcollection.org/ - Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis (2001-2021)
https://geea.lyellcollection.org/ - Petroleum Geoscience (1995-2021)
https://pg.lyellcollection.org/ - Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society (1839-2021) https://pygs.lyellcollection.org/
- Scottish Journal of Geology (1965-2021)
https://sjg.lyellcollection.org/ - Journal of Micropalaeontology online only (1982-2017)
- Geological Society of London Special Publications (490+ volumes)
https://sp.lyellcollection.org/ - Geological Society of London Memoirs (50 volumes)
https://mem.lyellcollection.org/ - Geological Society of London Engineering Geology Special Publications (26 volumes)
https://egsp.lyellcollection.org/ - Petroleum Geology Conference Proceedings (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th conferences)
Conteúdo histórico:
- Transactions of the Geological Society (1811-1845)
https://trn.lyellcollection.org/ - Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society (1868-1963) https://trned.lyellcollection.org/
- Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow (1860-1963) https://trngl.lyellcollection.org/
Séries de publicações especiais Books, e-Books