2025 Award



The library would like to inform you that entries are now open for the 2025 Prize! Among the various prizes awarded, the winner of the best entry could receive €10,000.


The Prize 2025 is coming up and everyone is invited to take part!
The aim of this award is to recognise the most innovative work that uses the information preserved on, the digital service of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), developed by FCCN.

Who can apply?
Those interested should submit a project on a topic of their choice whose main source of information is, from 6 January to 6 May 2025.
The application must be made in the name of a single person responsible, even projects developed in groups. Works that have not won awards in previous editions may be submitted again.

Prizes and Honourable Mentions in competition
1st place in the 2025 edition of the Prize receives a prize of €10,000. Second place on the podium receives a prize of €3,000. And the 3rd place winner receives a prize of €2,000.

As in recent editions, several honourable mentions are also awarded. For the first time, the 50 Years 25 April Commemorative Commission is honouring a work that uses to deal with the theme ‘25 April and Democracy’, with a prize of €5,000.

The other honourable mentions are awarded by the Aveiro Media Competence Centre Consortium (AMCC), to the value of €500, and by the Association (.PT), which awards teachers with a cheque for a laptop computer. Finally, the initiative’s media partner, the newspaper Público, is rewarding teachers with a two-year subscription to Público online.

The initiative once again has the high patronage of the President of the Portuguese Republic.

You can find all the information you need to submit your application at